Christmas Round Up 2019
As per tradition, our last classes of the year were all about having fun and getting festive with each other. Both our Kilburn and West Drayton classes finished early so that we could all have some time together to relax and enjoy ourselves without the diddly-dee of dancing music blaring!
And, the very last class of the year, our Saturday class turned into a big party! We had lots of games and a christmas ceili, which we got everyone involved in. We all dressed up in our finest Christmas jumpers and we even had an entertainer and face painter to help out little ones really enjoy themselves.
Also, our venue was hosting an open day and we were invited to do some festive jigging for the event. The dancing from our class was so well received that we have already been booked in for their St. Patrick's Day celebrations.
The last year has been incredible for our Academy. We have had many, many wins at both local and international competitions, topped off with us gaining our first WORLD TITLE! But more importantly, we have done this together, as a team & friends, and that is truly what it is all about.
Thank you to all our dancers, parents and friends that make all of this possible and help to make Ellis-Parr HQ the special place it has become. We would like to take the opportunity to wish you all a very Merry Chistmas and Happy New Year!
See you all in 2020!