Written by Lizzie on . Posted in newsletters

1920x1280 hubmainbanner v2Following on from the UK Government's announcement yesterday, it has been decided that ALL classes for the Ellis-Parr Academy are SUSPENDED until further notice.

The new measures have been introduced to delay the spread of COVID-19 and reduce the peak of the pandemic and they include:

 - no unnecessary travel

 - avoiding social venues, such as pubs, theaters and clubs

 - stop all non-essential contact with others

 - anyone showing symptoms of a fever and/or persisent cough, should isolate themselves for 14 days. Anyone livign with someone showing these symptoms, should also isolate for 14 days.

This was a very difficult decision to make as we had hoped to stay operating as normal for longer, but with the increased measure having been introduced and the health and well-being of our dancers and families being a priority for us, we feel that there is no other option.

Please keep yourselves and those around you safe and well.

However, we will be moving ONLINE. This will be a mixture of video tutorials and Zoom classes. We are currently working on the format and arranging for the tutorial videso to me made. The videos, along with Zoom class details will be posted on our closed members group on Facebook and via email.